30 is a good number. Allison is due on the 30th, my birthday is on the 30th, I enjoyed entering my 30's (despite how much I complained about it) and it just sounds like I've made it quite far in my pregnancy. I'm also very glad I waited to have a baby in my 30's (32 to be exact)...I look back at my 20's and there is no way I (me personally) would have been mentally capable. I'm glad we waited until we had a solid home, stable financials, and an overall comfortable place for her to enter this world. So yay to 30 weeks today! I'm feeling very peaceful, content, and prepared at this moment--we are ready for you Allison Nara John!
The dizziness, sudden tiredness, some nausea I've been feeling lately I figured was just a result of 3rd trimester symptoms but I received a call from the doctors office and they told me my last blood results showed that I was slightly anemic. This is great news! All I have to do is take additional iron supplements on top of my prenatals and hopefully all those yucky symptoms will go away.
Side note: I know I'm going to look back at this entry and laugh at my naive self so wanted to clarify what I meant by "prepared". I mean as much as you can possibly be for a hopeful, first-time mommy. I'm quite aware nothing will fully brace you for the mental breakdowns, the lack of sleep, the cracked nipples, and all the other not-so-nice things that people don't like to discuss. Ignorance is bliss!
What has Danny been doing to prepare for our baby? Running. Sound strange? I thought so too but when I asked him the other day why all of sudden he was running everyday - he replied "I have to be in shape for Allison because she's going to kick my butt".
There are surely different ways to display love --upfront & center or behind-the-scene and not so apparent. This is just one sliver & preview of all the different ways and colors that Danny will express his love for our baby and I'm so excited to see the layers unravel. Especially the very most unapparent ones. <3