"This is precious love and its teaching me everything I need to know."
- james morrison

Sunday, April 19, 2009

16 Week Checkup, Friday 4.17.09

This past Friday we had our 16 week checkup which was very brief & routine. The doctor checked the baby's heartbeat and they drew additional blood for the secondary part of the screening. Our baby's heartbeat dropped to 159-164 (at 12 weeks the rate was at 170) which is all normal.
The exciting part was that I was able to schedule my Ultrasound for the gender test! On Friday, May 15th I have both my gender ultrasound in the morning and my 20 week checkup in the afternoon. Danny and I plan on making a day out of it and finally go shopping once we know if the baby is a boy or a girl! I can't wait!
I haven't "popped" out yet, I am gradually getting a little bigger each day but nothing obvious overnight like some of the other girls. I am barely showing through my clothes still. I'm getting a little anxious about this but I'm sure I'll soon be so big, I won't know what to do with myself (or the belly)! I know I'm still early but your mind starts to find things to worry about, even if unecesssary!
Whats strange is that my back has been hurting from early on. Most back pains are caused by the need to support a large belly so I think mine has to do with the years of bad posture I've had. With everything shifting inside, my back's not happy about it so its probably only going to get worse. However, I'll take the back pain anyday over morning sickness so I still consider myself very blessed to have had such an easy pregnancy thus far.
May 15th-- can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. yay!! can't wait to find out what you're having....although we all think it's a "boy". hehee. only 2 more weeks for you!
